Our Ethos – Developing Independence

Our aim at Preschool is to ensure children leave us with the skills required for the transition to their next chapter in Primary School.  We support all our children in gaining the skill set to suit their development level and need. Their skills are explored from the moment they start their journey with us.

We believe independence is a valuable skill, whether it be physically or cognitively. We encourage all children to enter the setting on their own, hang their coat and attend to their belongings, just as they would when taking that first step into their Reception class in Primary School.

Throughout the day we promote independent toileting, hand washing and accessing snack and drinks. However please be reassured we are always within reach for the children and model and support the development of these skills.

We honestly believe children becoming independent is a crucial part of their development  It embeds their character, decision making skills and confidence so that they are ready for the wider range of activities and challenges they face when entering Primary School.

We value ourselves on this ethos throughout their Preschool Journey, and each year we are delighted to see the children leave us 'school ready'.

Examples of how we encourage independence:

  • Sometimes it is necessary for children to remove their shoes, for example when they put on their wellies or when they take part in yoga activities/relax time. They are encouraged to have a try at taking off and putting on their shoes so it would be fantastic if you are able to practice this at home too.
  • Each child will put their book bag in their key group's assigned area each morning and can access their bags throughout the day to put away drawings/work they wish to take home and share with you
  • Children can access snack independently, to choose what they want to eat and drink and to attempt to pour drinks themselves, drinking from an open top cup.
  • Children will tidy up their lunch plates, returning them to the lunch trolley and help themselves to their dessert
Kids outside

Sessional care hours during term time:

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 3:00pm
Half days (morning)
9.00am - 12pm
Half days (afternoon)
12pm - 3.00pm

We are extremely flexible to meet you and your child’s need.

If you require childcare in Halesowen, give us a call today on 0121 421 2265 and speak to Stella Lowe or any of the team for further details.

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